Stakeholderdialog Biobased Industry: “Wood – Bioeconomy’s backbone”
This years’ Stakeholderdialog, organized by the Austrian BMVIT in cooperation with the Fachverband der Chemischen Industrie Österreichs (FCIO) at the Wirtschaftskammer Wien (WKO), focussed on new applications, innovative products and technologies in the context of wood-utilisation. Highlighting the FTI-initiative “Produktion der Zukunft” as well as projects such as SUSBIND funded by the Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU) and Austrian bioeconomy strategies.

(C) RTDS – Portrait: Stephen Webb (RTDS), Gerold Schneider (FRITZ EGGER GmbH), Christian Hansmann (Kompetenzzentrum Holz GmbH), Roxana Weiss-Anton (RTDS), Erik van Herwijnen (WoodKPlus), Moritz Bühner (FRITZ EGGER GmbH)
Austrian Bioeconomy Strategies for a Sustainable Development
During the one-day event, attended by approximately 50 participants from the Austrian research and industry environment, Stephen Webb (RTDS) and Moritz Bühner (FRITZ EGGER GmbH & Co. OG) presented the goals and aims of SUSBIND’s sustainable bio-based binders for wood boards to the audience in a shared presentation, hosted by Astrid Reinprecht (ÖGUT). SUSBIND was also presented at the so called “Marktplatz” in parallel to its twin project SUSFERT.
Further information: OPEN4INNOVATION / “Nachhaltig Wirtschaften”
Author: Dr. Stefan Weiss
Dissemination & Communication / RTDS Group