

SUSBIND is a research and innovation project funded under the Horizon 2020 Framework program. The project is implemented by the Consortium partners according to the terms and obligations established in the Grant Agreement No. 792063. Accordingly, this website is managed by project partner RTDS – Verein zur Förderung der Kommunikation und Vermittlung von Forschung, Technologie und Innovation

Lerchengasse 25/2-3, 1080 Vienna, Austria

Telephone: +43 (0)1 323 1000
, E-Mail: info@rtds-group.com

Head office in Vienna.

Responsible according to §§ 2 Abs 2 bzw 30 Abs 1 VerG is Dr. Stephen Webb.

Issuing Authority: Landespolizeidirektion Wien, Referat Vereins-, Versammlungs- und Medienrechtsangelegenheiten, DVR: 0003506

Association Register: Zentrales Vereinsregister Österreich, ZVR Number 465699086

RTDS Association is recognised as a non-profit legal entity by the European Commission and has the PIC number 929551583.


Hereinafter referred to as ‘RTDS Association’,


  1. Information on this website


The data and publications disseminated in this website reflect only the author’s view. for any use  that may be made of the information contains.


The data and information contained in this website has been provided by the Consortium partners of the SUSBIND project. Such content reflects only the author’s view, RTDS Association nor the project partners are responsible for the considerations and conclusions that it main contain.


The Bio Based Industries Joint Undertaking (JU) is not responsible for the use that may be made of the information contained in this website.


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RTDS Association does not guarantee the faultless operation or uninterrupted accessibility of this website. Therefore, RTDS Association is not liable for damage resulting from inaccuracies or omissions in the information resulting from problems caused by or inherent in the dissemination of information via the internet, such as breakdowns or interruptions of or errors or delays regarding the flow of data and information through this website or otherwise by electronic means.


Intellectual property rights

The intellectual property rights relating to creation and layout of this website are vested in RTDS Association. The intellectual property rights on the data and information resulting from the implementation of the project are conferred to their legitimate owners according to the legal provisions established in the Consortium Agreement and in the Grant Agreement and protected according to the corresponding applicable law.


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Except where otherwise noted, all site contents are: © by consortium partners of SUSBIND – All rights reserved.


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