BBI JU Stakeholder Forum 2019

This year Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU) invited RTDS to represent SUSBIND during the highly anticipated Stakeholder Forum in Brussels, where around 650 participants from over 48 European countries were expected to visit the exhibition halls of the venue “The EGG” (Brussels Capital Region’s “Centre of Cultural Industries”) near the Brussels South Station.

“BBI JU is the public private partnership between the European commission and the Bio Based Industries Consortium representing the bio-based industry in Europe, investing € 3.7 billion in research and innovation with an expected impact on science and technology, but also addresses key challenges in the bio-based sector in Europe.“ Philippe Mengal (Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking, Executive Director)

The event was organized by the BBI JU as Stakeholder Forum 2019. During the two-days event, selected projects funded by the BBI JU programme under horizon 2020 were presented on stage for BBI JU’s stakeholders on day 1 and at project stands open to the public audience during day 2. Over 90 projects from all types of actions have been presented – 53 Research and Innovation Actions (TRL3-5), as well as Innovation Actions in 27 Demonstration (TRL6-7) as well as 11 Flagship projects (TRL8). In addition, Coordination and Support Actions such as the European Bioeconomy Library, Pilots4U or LIFT demonstrated, how to bridge the phase from lab-developments and market introduction, thereby helping to unleash the full potential of project results as a contribution to a more sustainable and competitive bio-based industry in Europe.


(C) RTDS – BBI JU Stakeholder Forum and Projects Day 2019


Discussion of Potential Partnerships on Circular Bio-based Europe (CBE) and the Role of Dissemination & Communication in Bioeconomy

Amongst the invited key speakers, Eleni Zika (Head of Programme, BBI JU) actively promoted the development of a sustainable circular bioeconomy in Europe, while Jürgen Lucas (Deputy Head of Unit, European Commission) elaborated on the common understanding in bio-based innovation systems and new local value from waste and biomass by introducing circular bio-based solutions.

“Consumers want a gradual transition from fossil based to bio-based alternatives.” Christine Lang (Chair of the German Bioeconomy Council)

Sylvia Schreiber (Economist & Science Communicator, KETBIO Biotech Transfer & CommBeBiz) and also Nelo Emerencia (Director of Programming, Bio Based Industries Consortium BIC) stressed the importance of communication to create awareness and involvement of citizens in particular.

“The industry is not the first to address the citizens. They must be addressed by their hearts not on a rational level only.” Nelo Emerencia (Director of Programming, Bio Based Industries Consortium BIC)

“We are in the transition phase passing from BIO WHAT? to BIO HOW? to BIO ACT!” Susanna Albertini (Found and Managing Director, New FVA Media Research)

Each session during the stakeholder forum was finished with an interactive live discussion at the forum (online tool: collecting questions and input from the audience using their smartphones. Thereby the panel discussion was enriched and further pushed onwards. Moreover, the whole event was well documented, and feedback from the audience will be published via the BBI JU website and social media profiles such as Twitter (@BBI2020 #BBISF19).


Author: Dr. Stefan Weiss

Dissemination & Communication / RTDS Group